There are many different grammar resources available to language students or writers, which can help those grappling with reading or writing to better understand the rules of language. The Internet is, perhaps, one of the best and most comprehensive resources for grammatical knowledge, though care should be used by anyone performing any kind of research online. There are also numerous books available with a great deal of information regarding grammar and practical knowledge for writers and students. Classrooms can also be used as grammar resources, especially classes on language or grammar, and students attending such classes often learn about grammar in general or specific aspects of language.
Grammar resources typically refer to books or other forms of media that can be used to clarify grammatical issues or learn about various grammatical rules. The Internet can be used as an extremely expansive and informative resource for grammatical knowledge. There are hundreds of websites, for many different languages, which provide the various rules and nuances of grammar for those different languages, including websites meant to help people find other sites with more information. Anyone using the Internet as one of his or her grammar resources should be careful, however, as not all its information is necessarily authentic and legitimate.
A number of different books, magazines, and similar periodicals can be used as grammar resources by a student or writer. These books are typically written by writers or a team of grammarians with extensive knowledge regarding applicable and practical rules of grammar. Some of the rules and guidelines presented in such books may, in fact, go against popular knowledge of grammar and reflect modern trends in a particular language. These grammar resources, for example, often suggest that rules regarding ending sentences with a preposition or splitting infinitives are relics of Latin grammar that should not be applied to English.
Anyone interested in greater knowledge, or a career in grammar or linguistics, might also consider more scholarly grammar resources such as classes in grammar. These types of classes are offered by many colleges and universities and can help someone develop a greater, long-lasting understanding of grammar for his or her language. Such classes can also be used to build a foundation for a career in language arts or linguistics, though this depends on the interests of a student. The teachers of such classes, and the information they provide, are often some of the best grammar resources available to anyone.